Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Caramel Custard


  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Eggs - 3
  • Sugar - 1/4 cup
  • Vanilla essence - 1 tbsp


  • Beat eggs, add milk, sugar and essence, mix well and keep it aside.

Caramel Prep:

  1. In a pan, add equal amount of sugar and water (this depends on the amount of caramel needed and the size of the bowl in which the caramel will be poured into) approx. 5 tbsp of sugar and water
  2. mix it continuously for a while till it becomes thick and dark brown color
  3. Immediately pour it in the bowl in which the custard will be prepared. 
  4. Spread it, so that the caramel is present all over the bottom area of the pan.
  • Once the caramel is poured into the bowl, pour the custard mix, prepared earlier into the same bown
  • Steam cook in pressure cooker, without weight for 10 mins. Let it sit for few mins
  • Keep a plate on top of the bowl, which has custard 
  • Turn the whole thing upside down, so that the plate is now at the bottom, with custard on top of it. The caramel is now the top part of custard
  • Keep it in refrigerator and let it cool.

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