Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Paruppu vadai


  • Channa dhal - 1 cup
  • Green chillies - 3
  • Salt to taste
  • Onion - 1/2 (chopped)
  • Curry leaves - few (chopped)
  • Ginger - 1/2 1 inch piece
  1. Soak Channa dhal in water for 1 hour
  2. Drain soaked channa dhal and grind it in mixy coarsly
  3. In a bowl, add the ground channa dhal
  4. add chopped green chillies, salt, chopped onions, chopped curry leaves and chopped ginger and mix well together.
  5. Take small portions of the mixture and make it flat
  6. In a pan, add oil and fry till it turns golden. Don't add too much oil. Shallow fry is good too..

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